Saturday, September 4, 2010

One Month

I don't have a lot to say today but just wanted to write and say

Happy One Month Birthday Maddy!!

Maddy celebrated by meeting her paternal grandmother. One of the "benefits" of being in NICU for a month or more is that grandparents are now allowed to visit her. Maddy only has one grandparent living in Hong Kong (Bernard's dad) - but Bernard's mum is visiting at the moment so they were able to meet and spend a bit of time together today :) The visiting hours for grandparents are even more strict than the visiting hours for parents so Bernard's dad is planning to meet Maddy next weekend. 

This past month has been completely crazy - but I'm glad that our little girl is here and that she's safe and getting stronger in the hospital. I wish more than anything that she was able to be home with us - but I'm just thankful that she's here... 

1 comment:

Mum said...

I am so glad that Mary has had a chance to meet Maddy. I have been celebrating here that Maddy is one month old. I know that you would rather have her at home with you all, but she is growing and getting stronger every day. God has given you His grace and mercy for each new day, trust in His guiding hand to lead you through this time of waiting. Love you all so much, Mum Dad and Ash.